Plumber Gumball (Outfit based on the Plumbers uniform).Hex Gumball (Outfit based on Hex from the original series).Null Void Dexter (Weapons based on the Null Void Projector).Goop Gear Dexter (Weapons based on Goop).

Heatblaster Dexter (Weapons based on Heatblast).Teenage Feedback (regular 16-year-old design).Santa Feedback (with Santa's beard and hat).Boogie Pack Feedback (with Rex's Boogie Pack build).Young Feedback (regular 11-year-old design).Marauder Four Arms (16-year-old design with Adventure Time's marauder hat and pigs tied to his fists).Pom-pom Four Arms (with Penny Fitzgerald's horns and pom-poms).Pompadour Four Arms (with Johnny Bravo's hair).Smackhands Four Arms (with Rex's Smack Hands build).Megas Four Arms (with Megas XLR's hands).Proto Four Arms (regular 10-year-old design).Empowered by the rare element Dextronium, the heroes aim to destroy these monsters and take back their planet. If they succeeded in their missions, they would strike a huge blow against Lord Fuse and his army of evil minions. But what were your favorite Cartoon Network characters up to? It turns out they decided to fight the fusion monsters right at their source! When they weren't busy helping the resistance, Cartoon Networks greatest heroes formed small, co-op fire teams to assault the fusion spawning from the grounds. When Planet Fusion attacked the Cartoon Network universe, a legion of kids rose up to help defend the world.